A competitive advantage in the drug discovery process

Nexomics Biosciences offers a broad array of gene-to-structure services to the biopharmaceutical community.

Company Location – Great Princeton Area, New Jersey, USA

4.9 out of 5 stars from 47 reviews

Services Offered

Explore our comprehensive range of cutting-edge biopharmaceutical services, meticulously designed to accelerate your drug discovery journey.

Structural Biology

Advanced methods for high-quality protein/RNA structures, vital for drug design.

NMR Services

Comprehensive NMR applications for varied analytical requirement in protein and RNA research

Protein Production

Expertise in expressing and purifying challenging proteins for research.

Biophysical Studies

Supplemental studies ensuring quality assurance for protein analysis.

Bioinformatics and Software Licensing

Licensing for bioinformatics and scientific software, aiding structure determination.

Protein Standards

Catalogue of proteins supporting diverse research needs, including isotope enrichment.

Years since start
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Our Company

The mission of Nexomics

Our Mission​

The mission of Nexomics Biosciences is to give our customers a competitive advantage in the drug discovery process using know-how and intellectual property developed by a large-scale structural genomics project. We will accomplish this mission by delivering high-quality protein products and high-resolution 3D structures. We also seek to provide a challenging and satisfying work environment for our talented staff of scientists.

Company profile

Nexomics Biosciences functions as a contract research organization (CRO), offering a broad array of gene-to‑structure services to the biopharmaceutical community. With a strong focus on discovery and analytical R&D services, our core capabilities include bioinformatics target profiling, genetic cloning, recombinant protein expression, laboratory-scale fermentation, crystallization, NMR screening and structural, X‑ray crystallographic structural studies, and functional annotation.

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