Biophysical Studies

Analytical Ultracentrifuge (AUC)

Instrument: Optima AUC from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences with absorbance and interference detection modules, two rotors, An-60 Ti and An-50 Ti are available.

Applications: Analytical ultracentrifugation is a highly versatile analytical method and brings valuable benefits during the research and development of (bio)pharmaceutical drug products.

When (macro)molecules in solution are subject to a centrifugal force, they begin to settle at a certain velocity. With a mathematical correlation between sedimentation behavior and hydrodynamic properties, scientists can determine many critical parameters of a drug substance or drug product for a variety of biopharmaceutical applications from analyzing small peptides to investigating macromolecular interactions.

Analytical Ultracentrifuge

Analytical Ultracentrifuge (AUC)

Instrument: Optima AUC from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences with absorbance and interference detection modules, two rotors, An-60 Ti and An-50 Ti are available.

Applications: Analytical ultracentrifugation is a highly versatile analytical method and brings valuable benefits during the research and development of (bio)pharmaceutical drug products.

When (macro)molecules in solution are subject to a centrifugal force, they begin to settle at a certain velocity. With a mathematical correlation between sedimentation behavior and hydrodynamic properties, scientists can determine many critical parameters of a drug substance or drug product for a variety of biopharmaceutical applications from analyzing small peptides to investigating macromolecular interactions.

Analytical Ultracentrifuge